5 Top Tips For Driving in Autumn
As the summer has now left us and we are heading into Autumn. When driving we need to be aware of the change in driving conditions. We have put together our top tips to help keep you safe when driving and to keep your vehicle running efficiently in the colder months.
Here are our 5 top tips
1. Beware Of Low Sun
In the autumn months the sun lies lower in the sky, always make sure you have a pair on sunglasses in your vehicle and your sun visor is accessible.
Keep your windscreen clean inside and out to help with vision .
Check your windscreen wipers are in good condition, if they are squeaking they may need cleaning or replacing.
Check your screen wash level, while you are checking this it is a good idea to check your oil and water levels too.
Beware that other drivers may not see you due to the glare of the low sun.
2. Watch Out For Leaves
Hitting a patch of wet leaves while driving is almost as bad as hitting a patch of ice.
Take care when driving, keep speed down and avoid hard braking.
Beware there may be hidden pot holes in the road under the leaves.
3. Keep Antifreeze Topped Up
Check your anti freeze level and top up when necessary.
This will help avoid possible engine damage in the cold weather.
4. Batteries
When the weather becomes colder it puts more strain on your batteries.
To avoid possible breakdowns, change your battery every 3 years.
5. Tyres
Check tyres regularly.
Check and adjust tyre pressures.
The legal limit is 1.6mm, however in the winter weather conditions it is advised to change them at 3mm so the tyre has a better grip.
We can help with any of these maintenance issues.
If we can be of assistance to you, please contact us on 0114 244 1814 and we’ll be happy to help.